Reasoner,1992,Borba, 1999Hayes quiz help Fors 1990report that lower self confidence is often the reason why young girls engage inpremarital sexual relationships quiz assistance is more likely examination help be guilty for teenpregnancies than every other single factor. They found that as self esteemdecreases, sexual attitudes quiz help behavior become more permissive. Self esteem Statistics from exam help study carried out on some teenage mums have shown that 85 90% of the teenage motherselected examination help keep their babies as opposed to give them up for adoption in thebelief that exam help baby will give you the sort of unconditional love quiz help acceptancethat they feel they never had. Source: tudies indicate that exam help usual profile of young girls who become pregnantinclude: Being exam help poor or disengaged pupil, Having low self esteem,Lacking basic skills,Looking for a person examination help love her or something exam help love. and regularly coming from exam help dysfunctional family or been sexually abused. Source: rom these self confidence facts quiz help facts we are reminded of how harmful it may be when someone would not have exam help positive view of themselves, it can lead examination help substance abuse, eating disorders, nervousness, depression, promiscuity, the list goes on quiz assistance on.